Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rush Away From Limbaugh As Fast As Possible

Written by Godfrey Logan, Tuesday October 13 2009

Rush Away From Limbaugh As Fast As Possible

Written by Godfrey Logan, Tuesday October 13 2009

If Rush Limbaugh wants to own a professional franchise let him go to the UFL where no one will notice that one of the biggest race baitors is leading a franchise. Since it will soon be defunct, I say hell let him have the entire league.
For years minority professional athletes have been asking to be treated fairly and respected for the contributions they have made on and off the field. They have been asking for years to be remembered for coaching and ownership opportunities when their playing careers are done. They make up such a large percentage of the professional population in the four biggest sports in the U.S. and many have admitted they cannot have winning programs without these same minority players. Baseball once had a racist past and many of their members who espoused racist views are in the hall of fame and no one thinks to remove them because of their beliefs but rewarded them for what they did on the field. Though we have moved years beyond those days the numbers of minority coaches in major division one college sports has lagged regardless of legislation or rules passed to make them a part of the search process in replacing a coach that has left a program/team. Now you are asking players to consider playing for a man who makes much of his money degrading minorities and has stated that he hopes the first black/mixed race president this country has ever had fails. If President Obama fails the country fails. While Limbaugh has not said he wants the country to fail because if it does then who will come out to watch any team he might own play? I cannot imagine that there are many fans who come out now to support the St. Louis Rams who look like they will be the next team to lose 16 games in a season. For any minority athlete I would consider it a slap in the face to let this man who once told a black caller to his show to "take the bone out of his nose" own a professional franchise.

I am a Chicago Cubs fan and I remember when there was a huge buzz about Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban possibly purchasing the Cubs. It was said he would be a black mark on the sport of baseball with his flamboyant ways and that other owners in baseball would not allow that to happen. I could not imagine that NFL owners would allow Rush Limbaugh to own an NFL team especially after his remarks that the liberal media wants a black quarterback to succeed. If a man whose only flaw is that he is free with his money and feels that it allows him to yell at referees during games is too divisive to own a baseball franchise what makes you think it would be a good idea to let Rush Limbaugh own any professional franchise?

If not for black players there would be not professional leagues. As it stands most players in the NHL are from Canada and Russia. Take a god look at hockey and realize what the other major sports would look like if minority players decide they would not play. Considering that they are basically regarded as not intelligent enough to be in positions of power as it was once believed that they were not smart enough to even play quarterback. I agree this is the land of opportunity but someone once told me that people can think you are a fool until you open your mouth and prove them right. Guess what Rush, you opened your mouth one too many times and it has come back to bite you. Stick to politics and pills and leave sports to those who at least keep their bigotry behind closed doors.