Thursday, April 8, 2010

Do Not Touch The Tournament!

Written by glogan, Thursday April 08 2010

I'm tired of people trying to find ways to change the NCAA tournament. I just watched oneof the best tournaments that I have ever seen in my years of watching the event. Though I made the mistake of picking Kansas and Villanova to be in the championship game and I had to watch as both of those teams were eliminated on the same day I cannot complain. Increasing the numbers to 96 teams is ridiulous. As ridiculous as saying Sarah Palin is a serious candidate to become president. Not in my lifetime. Some say it is not the best 65 teams in the tournament. Boo hoo. Yes someone always gets left out who many think are deserving but the beauty of it is its imperfection. Changing it now would do away with the NIT which I still think is vital to teams who want to keep playing in the post season though they didn't make the big dance. To be honest it is hard enough to sit through the tourney as it is. That might just be my ADD kicking in. I would lose interest even quicker if the number of teams would increase. My girlfriend already nags me for watching too much basketball during the season. Making any change to it now woud mean she would walk out on me and I actually like my girlfriend more than sports. Except on game days of couurse. I'm the Catholic School Nuns who whack kids on their hands for being bad. I hope someone comes with a giant ruler if they change my beloved tournament. And I would not be the only one who would stop watching basketball altogether. There is only so much a person can take before they start seeing orange basketballs and uncoordinated cheerleaders in his head at night. If you want to change something create a playoff system in college football and leave a perfect product alone.