If you remember, I wanted
them to draft Beasley not Rose. Beasley did not become the player I expected
him to become. Thus, it appears Rose was the better pick. But since Rose's
injury, I have lost faith in him. His first step is not as fast, he doesn't
have a jump shot, and he can't stay healthy. For three years we have waited for
him to be healthy, and at this point, there cannot be any excuses. I agree,
trade Rose for whatever you can get. Keep Butler. The Bulls are starting to
Age, and I hope they keep the coach. He is NOT the problem. I understand he
plays like 8 players a lot, but the Bulls need depth for him to utilize the
bench. The Bulls would not have made the playoffs even in the weak East unless
he played his better players. And honestly, does he play them more than the
other teams? maybe the Spurs, but they are quite old. But the Spurs run has
come to an end, and they will go through some years of rebuilding now.
Honestly, I am surprised the
Bulls beat Cleveland twice. Where they should have won was game 4 in Chicago,
they BLEW that. Had they gone up 3-1, they still would have lost. Cleveland is
better, and I am not a CAVs fan, Browns, Cubs, Bulls, and Blackhawks. Those are
my teams...