Friday, May 22, 2020

What is your team doing at this time as they figure out where and when they’ll play. If it’s baseball perhaps they could play on the minor league fields since the minor league season has been cancelled. Even though the accommodations are small at least it will limit how many people come to the games.

We have to get used to it people. Things are going to strange for a while. Consequence be damned the country is opening up and if you think things are crazy now chaos will reign with all the stops and starts no matter the industry. Different states different plans. Different sports. Different plans. The fact is the “what if moment” turned real and the story of it won’t be written during our lifetimes. Cancellations of sports as a whole whether it’s tennis, golf or baseball could possibly be the straw that breaks the economy for good. Unless your team however is the dregs how would it feel to watch without people in the stands or even play that way? No shirtless bums at Soldier Field when the Packers come to Chicago. But who is to say that game would be played in Chicago? Let’s be thankful we finally got to see a Super Bowl without Tom Brady before it all went sideways. I say that tongue in cheek. Seriously every little step to get back to sports is a step towards normalcy. Every step helps.