Monday, February 5, 2024

Let the Chicago Bears go about their business which might mean drafting a quarterback with the number one pick. Are we sure Caleb Williams is the right pick? His numbers regressed a year after he won the Heisman trophy but as they say he beat the teams he was supposed to but not the teams that were tops in the Pac 12 conference in 2023. Was that his fault? I don't know I never saw him play but I get the feeling that they figured him out from one season to the other. The teams he dominated in '22 he struggled against in '23. Including losing to Tulane in 2022. Then going 1-5 in the last six games of '23. Of course he didn't play in the bowl game this season expecting to be a high draft pick. Saying at one point in the season if he wasn't drafted by certain teams he would stay in college where he'd make more money. Now he's saying he is not anti-Bears. One thing that is consistent is his ability to score. At least in 2022. I don't know how many teams have given up the number one pick twice in two years. I suggested the Bears keep Justin Fields to see what he can really do with a quality coaching crew around him but the coordinators the Bears hired are coming in with the idea they will be working with Williams. It looks like the writing's on the walls for Fields. If you're a Chicago fan of any sport we've seen too often players go to other teams and do well. Chicago is a ruiner (I'm sure that isn't a real word) of stars so it might have been a good thing we didn't draft Pat Mahomes. It is good to see him at his best in multiple Super Bowls and not being run out of Chicago. I don't want to see Fields go but this has been a year of bad quarterback play. But the Carolina Panthers who took our number 1 pick last year took a quarterback and it was a disaster for them. Who is to say the Bears won't have the same experience? Most QB's who are successful sat for a year or two getting some tutelage from a veteran. I believe that veteran should be Justin Fields.